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Boschetto & Boschetto


Finely crafted plaster elements

Boschetto&Boschetto provides unparalleled experience in the production of plaster architectural elements such as false ceilings and partition walls.

The production phase is when the entire production process is planned. The work site is surveyed, the customer's requests are analysed in detail, the most suitable materials and processing techniques are selected.

Each new job is dealt with professionalism and great care, responding to clients' needs with innovative solutions.

Top quality materials and craftsmanship
Everything begins from the choice of materials: the quality of Boschetto&Boschetto plasterwork is also due to the use of premium materials.

The plastering materials used feature lightness and ease of processing.

They also provide excellent thermal shock resistance and weather resistance, allowing our plasterwork to last without showing the signs of time.

For more information on the production of plaster elements, please contact us through this page!