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Boschetto & Boschetto


Striking gold decorations

Boschetto&Boschetto offers a special gold-leaf gilding service for plaster.

A striking ornamental statement with a long tradition, plaster gilding (or oil gilding) involves the decoration of plaster architectural elements by applying gold leaf - a thin layer of an alloy that looks like gold.

Plaster gilding has long been used in architecture and in Medieval and Renaissance art, to emphasise details, such as the sun or the halos of saints.

Boschetto&Boschetto master craftsmen have unrivalled experience in plaster gilding. This technique is used to bring out plaster elements such as columns, capitals, cherubs, floral decorations and much more.

The experience gained in the field also allows Boschetto&Boschetto to offer the restoration of gilded plaster decorations, removing any surface defects and returning the gold coating to its original splendour with specific treatments.

For more information on plaster gilding, please contact us through this page!